Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

And the acid content of Kombucha Tea Benefits

And the acid content of Kombucha Tea Benefits

If the previous topic we discussed about the Nutritional Content of Tea Kombucha, now let's discuss what is contained in the acid content of Kombucha.

1. Lactic acid

Lactic acid is present in kombucha are mostly found in the form of L (+)-lactate. Lactic acid is important for the human digestive system. Lactic acid is also used as an indicator of cancer.

2. Acetic acid

Acetic acid can inhibit harmful bacteria that is often used as a preservative. Acetic acid is a component that gives the distinctive aroma and flavor kombucha.

3. Acid Malate

Malic acid is important in the body's detoxification process.

4. Oxalic Acid

Oxalic acid can act as a natural preservative and is also supporting cells in producing energy for the body.

5. Gluconic acid

Gluconic acid is effective in yeast infections such as Candida.

6. Acid Butyrate

Butyric acid produced by yeasts and yeast work together to fight infection with gluconic acid.

7. Nucleic Acids

Nucleic acid works to increase cell regeneration is good and healthy.

8. Amino Acids

Amino acids are a group of acids that play a role in the formation of proteins. Essential amino acids in cell division and repair damaged tissue. Amino acids can also form antibodies to fight bacteria and viruses.

9. Folic acid (Citoforum Factor or leucovorin)

Folic acid helps the production of blood cells, heal wounds, build muscle, and help the process of cell division. Folic acid is essential for the formation of DNA and RNA (the substances forming the walls of the cell nucleus). Folic acid deficiency can cause DNA damage that can lead to cancer. Another function is to prevent and improve the state of depression, increase concentration, inhibits cell growth in colon cancer, cervical cancer (cancer of the mouth or neck of the uterus), lung cancer, and cancers of the esophagus (the tube that connects the pharynx or farings by stimulating enzymes homocysteine ​​metabolism, so as to avoid damage to the brain and blood vessel constriction.
Folic acid can also control the amount of homocysteine, which is a kind of amino acid which if excessive can injure the blood vessel wall and trigger the formation of plaque that can clog arteries. Folic acid can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, as well as gout and osteoporosis. Folic acid proven to significantly reduce the risk of birth defects in newborns, including spina bifida (split spine vertebra) and cleft lip.
Folic acid is a B vitamin family This newly identified natural substances as vitamins around the 1940s and are found from the extraction of spinach leaves. Folic acid is water soluble, so it can not be stored by the body. Folic acid consists of pteridin, paraaminobenzoat acid (PABA), and glutamic acid.

10. Enzyme

The enzyme is part of a protein that acts as a biocatalyst, accelerate the pace of biochemical reactions in the body. Therefore, the enzyme will increase the functions of the body's health with kombucha.
11. Kombucha also contains some vitamin B and C, as well as bacteria and yeasts are important.

Nutritional content of Kombucha Tea

Nutritional content of Kombucha Tea

Like the other fermenstasi foods, kombucha mengadung ethanol. In general, the amount of about 0.5 to 1 from a total solution. In comparison, this is equivalent to the amount of ethanol or alcohol on tape and fruit juice. Kombucha is rich of substances that are beneficial to the human body. Some of them are a variety of vitamins, organic acids, and several compounds that function as antibiotics.


How can kombucha contains vitamin B? simple, that of the B vitamins derived from yeast kombucha itself. So, do not worry if the kombucha that has been made then the remains raginya yet fully filtered.

1. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)Thiamine or better known as vitamin B1 has an important role in the human body. It is mainly in the metabolism of carbohydrates for energy creation, maintain the function of nervous tissue, and liver function. The adequacy of the recommended vitamin B1 associated with the adequacy of energy, which is about 0.4 mg for every 1,000 calories. Principally, thiamine acts as an enzyme in reactions that produce energy from carbohydrates and energy transfer to form energy-rich compound called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
Thiamine can not be stored by the body a lot, but in limited numbers can be stored in the liver, kidney, heart, brain, and muscles. If thiamine too much is consumed, the excess will be excreted through the urine.
People who are at risk of vitamin B1 deficiency disease beriberi, edema, and degeneration of muscle tissue. Beriberi disease sufferers at greater risk developing neurological disorders. If this vitamin deficiency occurs in adults, the patient will be susceptible to heart problems, causing a buildup of fluid in the tissues in the lower legs or joints. The disease known as beriberi. In addition, thiamine serves to enhance the immune system, prevent arthritis, cancer, atherosclerosis, and stroke. In the daily diet, among other sources of vitamin B1 can be found in meats, a variety of grains and legumes. 
2. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)Vitamin B2 is necessary for the body to process amino acids, fats and carbohydrates to produce ATP energy. This vitamin also plays a role in helping skin cell degeneration. In addition to the energy-rich compounds, ATP also acts as an antioxidant in the body.
Riboflavin absorption occur most commonly in the small intestine. This vitamin is stored in the body, and a small stored in the liver and kidneys. Excess vitamin B2 discharged with urine that is usually marked with a yellow-green color of the liquid. In the daily diet, sources of riboflavin include brewer's yeast, whole grains, legumes, liver, tuna, eel, eggs, shellfish, seaweed, green vegetables, mushrooms, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, apples, avocados, nuts green and red beans. 
3. Vitamin B3 (Niacin Nicotinic Acid)Cholesterol levels in the body can be lowered evil on the role of vitamin B3. The presence of LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol and triglycerides as harmful will be replaced with the HDL (high density lipoprotein) that it can reduce the risk of vascular disease and coronary heart disease. Other function is to help the metabolism to produce energy. Deficiency symptoms of mental disorders, and others. Sources of vitamin B3 include liver, meat, grains, legumes. 
4. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)Vitamin B6 familiar among people aged over 40 years he. Because, at this ripe age, vitamin absorption in the gastrointestinal tract has been declining. In the body, this vitamin is converted into pyridoxal phosphate is a coenzyme in the metabolism of various amino acids.
Vitamin B6 deficiency cause skin disorders such as seborrheic dermatitis (inflammation of the skin due to excessive activity of the oil glands of skin), inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue, central nervous system disorders, as well as a system disorders eritropoetik enemia mikrositer hypochromic. Vitamin B6 deficiency also lowers the immune system are susceptible to infection and decrease heart health, easy formation of kidney stones, as well as decreased muscle function and sensory control. This vitamin can be obtained from the yeast, whole grains, bananas, sweet potatoes, wheat, corn, vegetables, meat, legumes such as soybean, food that comes from the sea, and liver. 
5. Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)Vitamin B12 together with folic acid plays an important role in metabolism between cells in the body. Vitamin B12 deficiency makes the body become slow progress in a long time. This situation is characterized by impaired formation and development of blood cells (hematopoiesis) enemia cause megaloblastic yan (a type of anemia with red blood cells big ones), neurological disorders such as memory loss and balance disorders, epithelial cell damage, especially gastrointestinal epithelial , as well as general debilitas or general weakness.
People who are older than 50 years should increase the amount of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 deficiency causes anemia. Vitamin B12 deficiency generally occurs in the elderly due to reduced absorption of vitamins in the gastrointestinal tract. This situation can occur due to decreased production of stomach acid; reduced production of pepsin (protease enzyme produced gastric glands); occurrence of gastritis (inflammation of the stomach) due to decreased function of cells, tissues, or organs, and decreased intrinsic factor (organic material in cells that could absorbed or metabolized). Everyday foods that contain this vitamin include meat, eggs, and dairy products. 
6. Vitamin B15Vitamin B15 acts as a catcher of free radicals and tissue oxygenator. This vitamin is also called acid pangamik. Vitamin B15 derived from the amino acid glycine. Pangamik is acid ester compound that is produced from the compounding dean glukonik acid dimethylglycine. Glukonik acid is found in many sugar beet. Foods that contain vitamin B15 are nuts and seeds. 


Vitamin C plays a role in the formation of substances between cells and various tissues, as well as increase endurance. For example, phagocytic activity of white blood cells and transport of iron in the blood Transferring de ferritin in the bone marrow, liver, and spleen. Phagocytosis is the activity of white blood cells (leukocytes) to kill germs by swallowing. Bone and tooth formation also involves the role of vitamin C.
Vitamin C is water soluble, so if consumed in excessive amounts is not harmful to health. Because the excess vitamin is mostly excreted through the urine directly. Most of the vitamin C excreted in the urine in the form of oxalate. Most people consume excessive vitamin C to prevent influenza or cancer. Excessive consumption of vitamin C can lead to opportunities for oxalate stones in the kidney. However, this opportunity is very small. Consumption of vitamin C up to 10,000 mg per day is considered safe. Food containing vitamin C include fruits, green leafy vegetables, and tomatoes.
Besides content of vitamin B and C, Kombucha tea is also rich in 9 types of acids, enzymes and beneficial bacteria to our bodies. Please click on the link to learn more
if you already know the benefits of Kombucha Tea? You can read it on the page "Benefits of Kombucha Tea"

Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

Teh sebagai pengobatan dan kesehatan

Teh merupakan minuman yang sering kita jumpai sebagai pendamping hidangan di pagi hari dan sore hari. Rasanya yang khas dan menyegarkan menjadikan minuman yang satu ini memiliki banyak peminat. Saat ini, teh sudah menjadi bagian kehidupan masyarakat, sangat gampang di jumpai, namun taukah kalian bahwa manfaat teh bagi kesehatan dan pengobatan sudah ada sejak zaman dulu kala.

Menurut situs wikipedia di negeri asal kelahiran teh yaitu China, teh sering kali dijadikan sebagai tanaman obat dan penangkal racun. Teh sendiri hadir sejak abad 8 SM itupun keberadan teh sudah dikenal ribuan tahun disana. Teh pun menyebar ke Jepang hingga negara-negara lainya.

Teh pelangsig

Banyak masyarakat minum teh pelangsing sebagai trik untuk menurunkan berat badan dan meningkatkan kesehatan mereka. Hal ini juga berlaku dari berbagai teh pelangsing yang dapat kalian temukan di toko-toko yang berbeda. Selain fakta ini kalian perlu memahami bahwa teh pelangsing tidak semua "teh" dalam arti yang sebenarnya. 

Teh untuk sebagian besar berasal dari daun dari semak teh. Sebagian besar teh pelangsing yang kalian akan menemukan di rak-rak supermarket dan toko kesehatan. kalian akan menemukan bahwa bahan-bahan ini teh pelangsing kadang-kadang dapat berisi tumbuh-tumbuhan, benih dan tanaman lain yang namanya kalian belum pernah mendengar tentang. Ini adalah di mana kalian harus mengambil beberapa saat untuk berpikir sebelum membeli jenis teh pelangsing ini. 

Cara Menyeduh Teh agar Rasa Lebih sedap

Teh berkualitas tinggi umumnya punya rasa yang lebih sedap daripada teh kualitas standard. Tapi sebaik apapun kualitas teh, kesedapannya jadi kurang maksimal apabila tidak tepat penyeduhannya.

Menyeduh teh pun ada aturannya agar aroma dan rasanya tetap terjaga. Bukan sekadar mencampur daun teh kering ke dalam air panas, diaduk kemudian diminum. Ratna Somantri, yang telah mendalami dunia teh selama 10 tahun memberi resep bagaimana cara menyeduh teh yang benar.