Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

Herbal medicine Diarrhea

Herbal medicine Diarrhea

herbal remedy diarrhea - Diarrhea is not a disease that comes by itself. Usually there is a trigger of diarrhea. But you do not need to worry, because we provide the authorized agent ace maxs diarrhea herbal medicine with no side effects. Ace Karna maxs herbal remedies diarrhea natural, 100% without chemicals. Read more about herbal medicine diarrhea below ....


herbal remedy diarrhea - Diarrhea is a disease in which patients experience bowel stimuli that constantly and stools or stools contains excessive water.

Causes of Diarrhea:

Diarrhea is not a disease that comes by itself. Usually there is a trigger of diarrhea. In general, the following are some causes of diarrhea, namely:
  • Infection by bacteria, viruses (mostly diarrhea in infants and children caused by rotavirus infection) or parasites.
  • Allergies to certain foods or medications, especially antibiotics.
  • Infection by bacteria or viruses that accompany other diseases such as measles, ear infections, throat infections, Malaria, etc..
  • Artificial sweeteners.
  • At the time dikenalkam Weaning infants often have diarrhea due to stomach efeksamping surprised with the new food and beverage known stomach.
    Parasites and bacteria can also cause diarrhea which these organisms can interfere with the absorption of food in the small intestine.

    The food is not absorbed by the intestine and can not digest will draw water from the intestinal wall. This makes the process of intestinal transit in a much shorter so that the intestines could not absorb the water and it is this which causes watery stools in diarrhea.

    Besides the extra water, large intestine also secrete electrolytes. Diarrhea causes loss of electrolytes and fluids can lead to dehydration which this can cause diarrhea lives threatened.

    Diarrhea Most Potent Herbs and Most Secure

    obat herbal diare, - Obat Herbal Diare Ace Max's terbuat dari dua bahan alami yaitu daun sirsak dan kulit manggis. Kedua bahan alami dalam obat herbal diare ini mempunyai keunggulan masing-masing yang saling melengkapi satu sama lain. Persamaan kandungan yang dimiliki keduanya misalnya adalah antioksidan (penetral radikal bebas) dan antikarsinogen (zat anti kanker).

    Dalam ace maxs obat herbal diare terdapat daun sirsak yang memiliki kandungan acetogenins, yang dapat menjadi obat untuk mengatasi masalah pada sistem pencernaan, seperti diare dan disentri. Daun sirsak juga telah dipercaya dapat membunuh parasit, cacing pita dan racun yang sangat berbahaya bagi tubuh.

    Sedangkan kulit manggis pada obat herbal diare ini terdapat antioksidan yang sangat tinggi yang berasal dari senyawa xanthone yang memiliki khasiat sebagai antibakteri. Menurut Prof. Sidik yang telah melakukan penelitian terhadap aktifitas Xantone yang terkandung dalam kulit buah Manggis yang ternyata bisa menahan laju pertumbuhan Staphylococcus Aureus yang sangat resisten terhadap anti-biotik Metisilin. ( obat herbal diare ) ace maxs terbukti aman, tidak menimbulkan efek samping serta telah terjamin keaslian dan kehalalannya secara resmi di Depkes RI P-IRT No. 113317506253 


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    Herbal medicine Diarrhea

    source : ace maxs

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